Monday, August 24, 2020
Knotts Berry Farm free essay sample
At the point when you initially enter the recreation center you are over whelmed by the smell of cinnamon rolls. After you step Into the recreation center the smell of cinnamon Is no longer In your nose, the smell of seared chicken enters your nose. While you advance towards Bigot rapids the smell of water causes you to feel cold and tense. As you proceed with the excursion around the recreation center you smell smoke and think something is ablaze, however the smoke is from the train ride that is by Splash Mountain. Seeing the sign makes you so energized for your day that is going to come.Waiting in line for your ticket makes you considerably progressively energized, to where you are Jumping here and there. You got your tickets and you are going to enter the recreation center then you see the lines of individuals stand by to get into the recreation center. We will compose a custom article test on Knotts Berry Farm or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The butterfly in your stomach quit vacillating for a brief period, at regular intervals you are taking a gander at the clock and you get more energized than before when the entryways open to the recreation center. The exact moment you see the entryways move you begin to act like It Is the most Important day of your life. The security door requests your ticket ND they tear your ticket, Immediately youre saying I need go on that ride. The sound of individuals shouting on rides makes you need to go on the rides even more. The rides clicking and rattling gives you a shudder of energy when you hear them. Brush impact in your ear and you see a crazy ride directly above you. The jingling of food stands takes you to a perspective that you will locate that jingling stand and get something from it. The sound of individuals saying that ride was amazing!Makes you get in line for the ride they just got off of. While you are holding up in line the Jingling draws nearer to you and you see the truck, yet you are in the line. The Jingling insults you until you get to the front of the line the woman on the radio says attach your pens and appreciate the ride. You are off The breeze blowing past your ears like youre in a vehicle with your head out of the window. The clicking and clattering of the crazy rides thunder the ground. As you get In line for your tickets you clutch the post that Is so cool when you first touch them.The clerk hand s you your ticket ND when you get the ticket It feels Like she Just gave enchantment to you. As you are holding up in line to enter then you glance over to the clock and each time the hand moves the earth appears to come to the heart of the matter where just the recreation center and the various individuals standing by to go into the recreation center are left. Bunches Berry Farm By masterstroke After you step into the recreation center the smell of cinnamon is no longer in your demonstration like it is the most significant day of your life. The security door requests your ticket and they tear your ticket, promptly youre saying I need go on that ride.The sound Broom impact in your ear and you see an exciting ride directly above you. The Jingling of food stands takes you to a perspective that you will locate that Jingling stand and get in line for the ride they Just got off of. While you are holding up in line the Jingling gets thrill rides thunder the ground. As you get in line for your tickets you clutch the post that is so chilly when you first touch them. The clerk hand s you your ticket and when you get the ticket it feels like she Just gave enchantment to you.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How to Evaluate Research Articles
Question - Find a unique research article (ie NOT a survey) that gives proof to respond to the inquiry. Give the full reference for the article first, and afterward utilizing the academic writing to help your work, answer the accompanying inquiries - 1. What is the examination configuration utilized in the article? 2. What strategies did the analyst/s use to gather and dissect their information, and why? 3. What are the key discoveries of the examination? 4. How do these discoveries help to respond to your clinical inquiry, considering your populace and work on setting? Answer - The exploration study that has been considered in suitably addressing the topic of proof based practice in nursing care is making a culture of proof based practice and nursing research in a pediatric emergency clinic composed by Straka, Brandt and Beytus (2013). A basic investigation of the chose article concerning various elements identified with it is proceeded as follows: Study Design Used in the Article: A basic investigation of the chose article has performed has shown that the examination plan that has been considered by the writers in the investigation is exploratory research structure. The fundamental focal point of the writers in the article was mostly towards building up a culture of proof based practice in regard to nursing care, and this has been dissected by the writers by method of applying exploratory research plan. The examination demonstrates that there is higher by and large significance of building up a proof based condition in regard to nursing care, and yet, it has likewise been shown that the advancement of proof based practice includes difficulties simultaneously. So as to assess this, review configuration has been viewed as that were appropriated to staff nurture so as to evaluate the obstructions in rehearsing the proof based practice, and research in every day practice. Based on discoveries, a dispersal plan has been actualized over a time of 1 year time that ga ve chances to staff in executing proof based practice over such period. The review was dispersed again after the one year time frame and this pre and post overview results were considered to break down the difficulties in the making of proof based culture in regard to nursing care. Consequently, the test explore configuration has been viewed as which has been powerful from the perspective of playing out this examination (Schyve, 2009). Strategies Used for Collection and Analysis of Data: In playing out the exploration work, it is basic that there ought to be the assortment of information that ought to be performed by specialist, and there are different such procedures that could be used. In regard to this exploration on analyzing the production of culture of proof based condition in nursing care, the scientist has followed a particular procedure planned for gathering the most significant information in this examination. Concerning example, there has been the utilization of review method being performed by the creators in the given investigation and this procedure has permitted in the assortment of essential information in this exploration. Such overview strategy has been applied to the staff nurture in regard to a pediatric clinic. The review has been completed in two distinct stages to assess the longitudinal impact of making a culture of proof based condition in regard to the nursing care (Veenema, 2008). This essential technique for information assortment as overview has been used in light of the fact that this has been the most productive method of gathering information particularly with regards to examining a particular objective populace. As in the given case, the objective populace has been the particular pediatric emergency clinic and subsequently, the most proficient approach to achieve the exploration objective is primarily to consider the pediatric medical clinic through the utilization of overview method. This study has been profoundly proficient in the given case since it permitted the scientists to distinguish the perspectives of enormous number of respondents which has been critical in understanding the formation of culture supporting proof based practice. By and large, the essential information assortment technique as applied as overview has been profoundly compelling from the perspective of gathering information in this examination (Rich, 2008). Key Findings of the Study: In view of the exhibition of the whole research, critical degree of discoveries has been accomplished. As the exploration was engaged towards evaluating the boundaries during the time spent actualizing proof based practice in nursing care, the presentation of research has demonstrated discoveries that there has been slight diminishing in the view of obstructions in executing proof based practice in nursing care. As the examination has been led into two overlay premise, for example, pre-review and a post-overview following one year time span subsequent to actualizing the proof based practice for such time of one year, the investigation discoveries uncovered that the obstructions could be fundamentally decreased from considering the proof based practice. Likewise, the dispersal plan as applied has additionally demonstrated noteworthy degree of effect over other significant nursing regions, for example, increment in the attendant drove IRB considers, and there has additionally been incr ement being obvious concerning proof based practices inside medical attendants. This shows there are both the positive just as negative elements being noted in regard to confirm based practice in nursing care (Straka, Brandt and Brytus, 2013). Discoveries Addressing the Clinical Question: The clinical inquiry that has been considered with the end goal of investigation is proof based practice in nursing. The discoveries as accomplished from this exploration on making a culture of proof based practice in nursing are likewise noteworthy from the perspective of tending to the inquiries on proof based practice. This is for the most part in light of the fact that the investigation centers towards making a culture of proof based consideration, and this fundamental comprehension as for proof based consideration in nursing is pivotal. The survey of this examination article has shown about the hindrances during the time spent making proof based social condition conditions, and it has additionally been evaluated about the noteworthy enhancements that could be conceivable from rehearsing proof based consideration in the field of nursing. This finding as accomplished from the lead of the investigation would be of critical assistance from the point of view of tending to the examina tion question that has been presented. These discoveries about clinical nursing would thusly be viewed as profoundly suitable from the perspective of the clinical inquiry on proof based consideration as considered. References Rich, V. (2008). Production of a Patient Safety Culture: A Nurse Executive Leadership Imperative. AHRQ Publication. Straka, K.L., Brandt, P. what's more, Brytus, J. (2013), Brief Report: Creating a Culture of Evidence-Based Practice and Nursing Research in a Pediatric Hospital, Journal of Pediatric Nursing, Vol. 28, pp. 374-378. Schyve, P. M. (2009). Authority in social insurance associations: a manual for Joint Commission administration guidelines. Springer. Veenema, T.G. (2008). ReadyRN: Handbook for Disaster Nursing and Emergency Preparedness, second ed., Elsevier Health Sciences.
Monday, July 20, 2020
DCs Young Animal Round-up, Part One
DCs Young Animal Round-up, Part One Over the past and next few weeks, DCs new imprint Young Animal is launching a number of new titles. Charles Paul Hoffman and I are sharing our thoughts on each comic in a back and forth discussion. First up: Doom Patrol #1+2 and Shade The Changing Girl #1. Doom Patrol: From Doom Patrol #1 by Gerard Way, Nick Derington, and Tamra Bonvillain CPH: Okay, confession time. Before the Young Animal launch, I had never read any of these books before, and had never even heard of Cave Carson. (Mother Panic is all new, right?) So, I have been going into these totally blind. And⦠itâs definitely been an experience. Issue #1 starts off normal enough, with Casey Brinkeâs life as an ambulance driver, but it quickly veers far off into the absurd. Not just the tiny society living on her partnerâs gyro, but the single page âWhatâs Going on with Niles Caulderâ aside (thereâs another in the second issue), the fast food franchisers from outer space, the singing-dancing new roommate who accidentally blows up Caseyâs old roommate⦠As I finished the issue, I had a serious âWTF did I just readâ sensation. So, of course, I proceeded right on to issue #2, which was totally more of the same. Thereâs a plot here, but itâs buried underneath what feels like a comic script written by Hunter S. Thompson thatâs been translated into Mandarin and then back into English. Maybe this makes more sense if youâve actually read Doom Patrol before? TM: My experience with the Doom Patrol goes as far as Grant Morrisonâs run and their cameos in different DC events, and I ate up both issues like the multi-flavored burritos they are. There are lots of seeming non-sequiturs that are cute winks to Doom Patrol fans that the band is getting back together. I am fine with Way, Derington, and Bonvillain taking their time to introduce a proper arc that pulls everyone together. Randomness for its own sake can be irritating, but I am all about Young Animalâs approach for now. From Doom Patrol #1 by Gerard Way, Nick Derington, and Tamra Bonvillain Add to your Hunter S. Thompson and retranslations the meta-influence of Doom Patrolâs return during DC Rebirth and Vertigo reshuffling. Cliff is struggling to stay in one piece as always, but so is DCâs publishing line, effectively segmenting Vertigo into this Young Animal side avenue under Way. The Casey Brinke protagonist stand-in cycles between a job and videogames, and gets shocked into paying attention. I wonder how many of Wayâs followers were weirded into reading more than one issue, let alone track #1 of a new comics series? You had a âWTFâ experience, Charles. Was it fun? CPH: Yeah, it was definitely fun for a couple of issues. And there is a real sense that this is, as you say, the âgetting the band back togetherâ intro arc before we get into the ongoing adventures. So, Iâll be here at least through the end of this arc before making the decision whether this needs to go on my pull list or just isnât for me. Shade the Changing Girl: From Shade The Changing Girl #1 by Cecil Castelucci, Marley Zarcone, and Kelly Fitzpatrick CPH: Funny story: I read Shade the Changing Girl #1 before Doom Patrol and I initially thought it was a tad hard to follow, but in retrospect itâs like a well-organized five paragraph essay next to DP. I really liked STCG. Maybe a tiny bit more background would have been helpful for new readers, but I guess all you really need to know is that Loma is a disaffected alien looking for a new adventure, she steals Rac Shadeâs madness coat, and inhabits the body that Megan Boyer wasnât really using. Watching Loma interact with Meganâs family and âfriendsâ has been a lot of fun so far. Weâre slowly getting the sense that Megan was a genuinely terrible person, and it will be interesting to see how Loma rebuilds Meganâs life and relationships (or not, as the case may be). The creative teamâ"all women, I might note!â"has done a fantastic job so far of creating an environment infused with madness. Not just the madness of Loma and Shadeâs madness coat, which manifests in Zarcone and Fitzpatrickâs psychedelic imagery, but also the insanity of everyday life. Thereâs a real potential here to dig into some issues we donât usually see in comics, such as how living as a teenage girl in the deeply sexist American society is enough to drive one mad. Iâm really loving STCG so far, and hope it gets a nice long run to explore these issues. From Shade The Changing Girl #1 by Cecil Castelucci, Marley Zarcone, and Kelly Fitzpatrick TM: Part of my enjoyment of Young Animalâs material so far comes from the difficulty of spotting the âtetherâ between each bookâs status quo and where itâs heading. A lot of superhero burnout can come from watching the limits of a bookâs setup stretch to the same limit over and over until the reader sees the tether before itâs even moved. Shade The Changing Girl, though? I felt a lot like you did during Doom Patrol, Charles. I had no reference point that wasnât built in real time, scene for scene. The combination of alien society, human society, and recurring trippy imagery kept me guessing from scene to scene. Any comic that feels like an ever-changing discovery is worth following. I think Young Animal is two for two in this roundup. What about you? CPH: Agree. Iâm not sure Iâll stick around long-term for DP, but pretty much everyone else seems to adore the book, and STCG is promising a perspective we donât see a lot in Big 2 comics. So far, the Young Animal relaunch is reminding me of the best of 1990s Vertigo, but with a contemporary flair. (Probably not a huge surprise, since both Doom Patrol and Shade, the Changing Man were in the Vertigo lineup when the imprint launched.) Hereâs hoping it succeeds like early Vertigo in bringing that odd, uncanny voice to a mass audience. TM: Heres hoping that any resemblance to the 90s fades away to transform into an all-new kind of touchingly weird. Thats it for Part One! Well see you next time to discuss Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye and Mother Panic. Sign up to The Stack to receive Book Riot Comic's best posts, picked for you. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Research On Stem Cell Research - 924 Words
The scientific knowledge gained from stem cell research has proven very useful, yet the knowledge did not come without the destruction of human embryos. According to Healy, Bernadine P. ââ¬Å"The Government Must Regulate Stem Cell Researchâ⬠, â⬠stem cellsâ⬠come from human embryo or fetus that is at its first stage of development in which it is in its single cell form before it starts its development stage or complex stage (Bernadine). What this means is, stem cells, at its single cell stage doesnââ¬â¢t have any function, however, scientist have figured out how to transform stem cell into just about anything they want them to be. For instance, scientist are using stem cells and changing them to anything that is practical to the human body such as grow muscle, skin, nerves and even human appendages. In spite of the advances that have been made because of stem cell research, and the entire groundbreaking medical and scientific advances, scientists want to start clone farming human embryos to further scientific research since human embryos are hard to come by. The problem that comes with stem cell research is the idea that human embryos are very well human being and they need to be treated as such. In Frankenstein, Victor creates a monster out of ââ¬Å"human body partsâ⬠of dead corpses by stitching them together and bringing it to life, yet Victor refuses to think of his creation as a human being. In Frankenstein, Victor sees his creation come to life after two whole years of scientificShow MoreRelatedStem Research On Stem Cell Research1747 Words à |à 7 PagesEnglish 111-36 25 November 2014 Stem Cell Research Stem cell research has cultivated a new, miraculous study in the health field. The study has led to an increase in curing diseases over the past couple of decades. Before stem cell research, diseases were destroying and devastating lives continuously on end. With the use of stem cells in modern time, diseases are no longer taking control of lives. The innovation in biomedical technology, such as stem cell research, has greatly impacted the understandingRead MoreStem Research On Stem Cell Research1271 Words à |à 6 Pages! ! ! Stem Cells Research ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Jabaree Shipp English III NCVPS Mrs.Gallos 8, December 2014 ! ! ! ! ! ! Throughout most of our lifetime on Earth many have pondered the thought of how they and the things around them have been created. They wondered what makes grass grow to what makes themselves grow mentally and physically. Through extensive research and major advancements in technology over these years, decades, and centuries we still have no answer to our own questions. But, we do howeverRead MoreStem Research On Stem Cell Research1318 Words à |à 6 Pagesknown as Stem Cell Research (SCR). Stem Cell Research is a relatively new field that has shown much promise to help deal with hundreds of different conditions and diseases. Though this astounding field holds the key to saving thousands of lives, there is a misguided ethical problem with Stem Cell Research raised by the church. The church only focuses on one aspect of harvesting stem cells when there is more than one way to get stem cells. This isnââ¬â¢t the only thing that is holding SCR back. Stem CellRead MoreStem Research : Stem Cell Research1692 Words à |à 7 Pages Stem Cell Research As stem cell research progresses, it is essential that we think about the issues encompassing our future. One of the exceptionally debated topics, stem cell research, is gathering a lot of information. Stem cell research is as of now is legal in many nations. The united states, regularly a pioneer in all things new and energizing is one of the last to investigate this topic. As this sort of examination continues advancing, as citizens, we will in all likely need to vote onRead MoreStem Research On Stem Cell Research1530 Words à |à 7 PagesHiga Capstone 2 October, 2014 Stem Cell Beats Ethic Issues Stem cell research is the most controversial topic in the health field since abortion. Stem cell research however, has the potential to unlock an infinite amount of possibilities as well be the key to curing patients with terminal illnesses. Many people from around the world have their opinions on this type of research dealing with ethics, politics, and religion. The most efficient way to study stem cells is taking them from donated embryosRead MoreStem Research On Stem Cell Research1212 Words à |à 5 PagesStem Cell Research Jason Bernard BIOL-10000 July 26, 2015 Introduction In this essay, I hope to analyze both sides of the debate, and also learn more about the topic and share that information. Prior to researching this topic, I feel that any research that can help prevent or cure diseases, than the research should receive full funding and support. What Are Stem Cells? Stem cells were first discovered in the 1960s by Dr. James Till and Dr. Ernest McCulloch, professors at the University of TorontoRead MoreResearch On Stem Cell Research1582 Words à |à 7 Pagesis beginning to fall behind in its advancement in research compared to the rest of the world due, to the lack of federal funding. One advancement which creates conflicts and dilemmas is stem cell research. The conflicts are specific types of stem cells are unethical and not morally right to research on, but not all stem cells are this way. Stem cell research is the study of different types of stem cells and their possible clinical uses. Stem cells can be developed to act as treatments for differentRead MoreResearch On Stem Cell Research Essay1708 Words à |à 7 Pages Stem Cell Research James A Merritt PIMA Medical institute Embryonic stem cell research is a controversial topic. In the religious aspect its man trying to play the authority of GOD on whether people should live, die or suffer from ailments and injuries. On a scientific and medical aspect it is compassionate people lookingRead MoreResearch On Stem Cell Research1459 Words à |à 6 Pagesmany possible methods. Stem cell research is a recent discovery that brings intense controversy: one side believes that the research is beneficial to the advancement of finding medical treatments and technologies, and the other questions whether the studies and experiments done in the field are ethical. Before understanding the history of stem cell research, one must understand its possibility of being used to cure people with medical problems, and that continued research will bring many new andRead MoreResearch On Stem Cell Research1731 Words à |à 7 PagesProhibit Stem Cell Research Many individuals believe that the beginning of stem cell research began in the early 2000s. However, the history of stem cell research can be traced back to the mid 1800s, when the make-up of human life, known as cells, were discovered (Solter 2006). Without this discovery, stem cell research would cease to exist. Prior to what has become known as stem cell research, scientists began studying embryonic stem cells using mouse embryos in 1981, which makes stem cell research
Comparision of Korean Japanese and Chinese cuisine Free Essays
Cuisine Is a culture also appear in particular region by deferent types. Each types of cuisine Is unique and deserve us to cherish. As they are according to different preference, split and tradition to form. We will write a custom essay sample on Comparision of Korean Japanese and Chinese cuisine or any similar topic only for you Order Now Thatââ¬â¢s why we need to explore the inheritance of sullen culture. Afterwards, I will compare Chinese cuisine, Japanese cuisine and Korean cuisine, then find out the difference and the among them. Firstly, about the culture of Chinese cuisine. It has strong influence on a lots of Asia countries. Carbohydrates is the basic element, such as rice and noodles. Chinese people emphasize the color, smell, taste, meaning and form. As China has different region, it divide lots of styles. But the most well-known are the Cantonese cuisine, Sandhog cuisine, Jungian cuisine and Schuman cuisine. Secondly, about the culture of Japanese cuisine. It also based on rice and noodle, such as don. However, their feature is fresh fish and miss soup. Japanese cuisine tend to use the five basic condiments to enrich the natural flavors of food. The five basic condiments are showy, sake, mall, dash and salt. There also have some combination of the culture of foreign countries. For example, Ramee come from the Chinese and curry come from the British. Thirdly, about the culture of Korean sullen. It based on rice, meat and vegetable, but their feature is spicy. Korean people are clever, they think that grilled meat is headiness, as too headiness may cause damage to body, so they use the cool food such as Chime to remove headiness. Korean cuisine mainly are light and less greasy food. About the differences. Chinese chopsticks, Japanese chopsticks and Korean chopsticks are totally different. Chinese chopsticks have flat head, Japanese chopsticks have pointed head, Korean chopsticks are made by metal. Chinese chopsticks aims to clip foods, as they have contraindication is that they canââ¬â¢t use hopscotch to needle food, and needle food means worship their ancestors. But Japanese chopsticks alms to needle food, as they like to eat sashimi, also It Is slippery and difficult to clip It. Korean people Like to eat grilled meat, so their chopsticks are made by mental In order to prevent morph because of the heat from the charcoal stoves. It Is also convenient to wash it. About the cooking methods of Chinese cuisine, Japanese cuisine and Korean cuisine. There are a various of cooking methods of Chinese cuisine, they are fried, cooked, leavened, boiled, braised, steamed, grilled, stir, simmer and rinseâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ Etc. You can see that Chinese cuisineââ¬â¢s making steps are complicated. Moreover, Chinese people are very care about the level of attainment, because it will effect the mouthful of the food. Japanese cuisine mainly are fresh ingredients, especially sea foods. For examples, sashimi and sushi. In contrast, Chinese people are not encouraged to eat raw food. Another famous types of Japanese cuisine is Sailed, It made by art. It will be decorated beautifully, but the amount Is small. The cooking methods of Korean cuisine mainly are barbecue and pickled, both of them hope to complement one another. Because cool food can equalize hatless food. In addition, Korean sullen Like to mixing. For examples, Bambina which means mixed rice and will put all the ingredients inside the sizzling Chinese cuisineââ¬â¢s raw materials are diverse and complex, as China have different types of areas. They have prairie to feed animals and ocean to catch fishes. Furthermore, rice is still Chinese cuisineââ¬â¢s main element. However, Japan and Korea have limited land area, their raw materials are more focusing but not have large varieties. As Japan is a sea island, their sea foods are abundant. But Japanese cuisine moieties may combined some foreign cuisine, so they may use some of the foreign raw materials as their raw materials, such as spaghetti. It proves that Japan is an international country. Rice is the emphasis of Korean cuisine, meat and fresh vegetable also included. Meats are for grilling. Besides, fresh vegetable for marinating Chime. Thatââ¬â¢s indeed healthy. About the beverages, there also have a huge difference. Chinese main beverages are tea, Bijou and herbal drinks. Tea can deal with the problem of indigestion, such as black tea, long tea and green tea. Bijou is a white wine, and it made from rice, corn or wheat. Herbal drinks are similar as tea, but herbal drinks have medical benefits also made from medicinal herbs. Japanese main beverages are Japanese green tea, SSHà ¶chiÃ'Ë and Sake. Japanese green tea which is made in Japan and have a positive effect on human. SSHà ¶chiÃ'Ë is one kind of distilled wine and it made from buckwheat, wheat or riceâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ Etc. Sake is made from a variety of rice, so it is also a rice wine. It is common in Japanese restaurants. The best known Korean beverages are Korean beer, Yak and juju. About the Keenan beer, Korean people use rice to replace barley, so that the taste will be more sweeter ND lighter. Yak is Korean traditional rice wine, also is most formers one of their favorite. Juju mainly made from grain and rice. You can see that Korea has a high level of using rice as cuisine. About the etiquette of diet, Chinese, Japanese and Korean so care about it. Before having a meal, Japanese people will shout ââ¬Å"dissimilarâ⬠to thank for the food. But Chinese people and Korean people will eat after ones elders eats. Furthermore, Japanese people like to eat noodles with slurping sound, it means appreciate for the chief. But for Chinese people and Korean people, they think it is unacceptable. Chinese people and Japanese people will use chopsticks to eat rice, however Korean people will use spoon to eat rice also but those rice into the bowl of soup. About the impact among these three countries, long time ago, China was the most influential country among East Asia. Rice and chopsticks were imported by China, so Japan and Korea absorbed this Chinese culture. Nowadays, you can see that Japan and Korea have developed their own feature of cuisine culture. Also, population grow because of the spread of the rice. The culture of Chinese cuisine encourage to cut up the food into little pieces, as they need to use hopscotch to pick up. Smaller pieces of food may be more easier to pick, also the size suits our mouth and it will cook more faster. This import to Japan and Korea, you can see most of their meal will be cut up into small pieces. It is crystal clear that Tofu and Ramee are very important to Japanese cuisine, it also imported by China. Japanese people transform these materials successfully but still keep the style of Japan. Japanese people transform tofu into egg tofu, it is more sweet and smooth. Moreover, Japanese people turn Ramee into Japanese Ramee, it is more attractive and famous than before. Additionally, Korean people like to pickle some fresh vegetable, such as cabbage and cucumber. How to cite Comparision of Korean Japanese and Chinese cuisine, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
John Cage an Example of the Topic Personal Essays by
John Cage by Expert Ellah PHD | 22 Dec 2016 John Milton Cage is among the most mysterious figures, who managed to reach the Bohemian Olympus, moreover, to maintain their status, as his professional development occurred throughout his whole life span. Cage seems to have exceeded his own time, thats why he is often declared as a scandalous figure as well: Zen Buddhist, vanguard philosopher, writer and composer, who interpreted his own music as purposeless play, which, however, is an affirmation of life not an attempt to bring order out of chaos, nor to suggest improvements in creation, but simply to wake up to the very life we are living, which is so excellent once one gets ones mind and desires out the way and lets ot act of its own accord (Cage, 1991, p. 158). The present paper is designed to discuss both biography and creative heritage of John Cage. Need essay sample on "John Cage" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Our Customers Very Often Tell EssayLab specialists: I'm don't want to write my essay. Because I don't have the time Essay writers suggest: Things Go Better Academic Paper Writing Services Get Paid To Write Papers For Students Best Essay Writing Service Write My Essay Online Reviews Cage was born in Los Angeles in 1912 and originated from a Scottish family. His father was a creative personality, a famous inventor, who used to teach his son in the following statement: of someone says cant, that shows you what to do (Cage, 1991, p. 158). His mother, on the contrary, was a strict woman with strong common sense, who, in addition, was Episcopalian (Dyson, 1992) and therefore hated violin as a devils instrument and tried to prevent his son from studying music. As the composer writes (Cage, 1991; Nyman, 1974), his aspiration to create became consciousness at Pomona College, when he was shocked to see all his classmates reading the same book in the library. In order to manifest his protest, he took a book, whose authors name began with Z and received the highest grade in the class on the next day (Nyman, 1974). In his opinion, Cage made a right conclusion and alleged that the institution didnt work appropriately; consequently, he dropped out in the second year and moved to Europe, where he began to write his first pieces of audio art (Dyson, 1992). Nevertheless, he was dissatisfied with his work as architects apprentice and thus returned to America in 1931. His interest in his motherland was completely renovated after he read Walt Whitmans Leaves of Grass, so he decided to make famous both himself and his native state and ped into the art of composition, comprehending and learning it with such celebrities as Richard Buhlig, Adolph Weiss, Henry Cowell and Arnold Schoenberg (Dyson, 1992). Schoenberg agreed to teach Cage for free, but put forth an important condition the young prodigy was supposed to devote his life to music Cage agreed without any redundant reflections. Cage remembers Schoenbergs tutorship as a contradictory experience: After I have been studying with his for two years, Schoenberg said: In order to write, you must have a feeling for harmony. I explained to him that I had no feeling for harmony. He then said I would always encounter an obstacle, that it would be as though I came to a wall through which I could not pass. I said, In that case I will devote my life to beating my head against that wall. (Kostelanetz, 1990, p. 295). After these studies, the composer got preoccupied with serialism, which he used to explain with his humor as the application of holistic and democratic ideals, so that the certain pitches did not predominate over the others. Soon, his experimentation with percussion and non-traditional instruments began, so he gradually replaced harmony with rhythm (Nyman, 1974). Furthermore, he employed Anton Weberns and Eric Saties approaches to music, which prescribed structuring pieces in accordance with the duration of the section or episode (Kostelanetz, 1990; Sumner et al, 1986). In 1935 he married a Russian immigrant artist, Xenia Kashevaroff. Towards the end of the 1930s, the composer began to attend the Cornish School of the Arts and was at the same time hired in Seattle as an accompanist for dancers his most prominent work in this field was the project Bacchanale (Dyson, 1992; Sumner et al, 1986), which constituted a dance for Syvilla Fort. Due to the fact that the music was supposed to create the atmosphere of a Bacchanalia, Cage attempted to adjust percussion and other music instruments to the dance and began to put metal objects (screws, bolts and so forth) on the tops of or between the strings of his piano and really enjoyed the subsequent melody. Thus, his concept of prepared piano (Sumner et al, 1986) came into being similarly to his teacher Henry Cowell, he also viewed the instrument as an incomplete tool, which needed additional improvement, depending upon the situation (Sumner et al, 1986). The Sonatas and Interludes of 1946-48 are widely seen as Cages greatest work for prepared piano. Pierre Boulez was one of its admirers, and he organized the European premiere of the work. Around this time the two composers struck up a correspondence, but this stopped when they came to a disagreement over Cages use of chance in his music (Dyson, 1992, p. 382). In Cages opinion, the chance was an important step towards the refined art. His later work, entitled First Construction (In Metal) was less disordered, comparing to the Sonatas and Interludes, where he left much more freedom for a composer and created different versions of the prepared piano. Cages First Construction (In Metal) consisted of rhythmic and cold music, produced by percussion instruments, which sometimes is structures into a peculiar march, but further changes the rhythm (Kostelanetz, 1990). In the middle of the 1940s, Cage met choreographer and dancer Merce Cunningham (Nyman, 1974), for whom he would write a number of pieces. In several years, the composer adopted Zen Buddhism as his philosophy of life and began to add the elements of mystery and existential themes into his pieces of art. Approximately at the same time Cage employed the I Ching, the Book of Changes in order to determine the structure of his new composition. For instance his, Imaginary Landscape No.4 was created under the influence of this writing (Furlong, 1994) for twelve radio receivers. Each radio has two players; one to control the frequency the radio is tuned to, the other to control the volume level. Cage wrote very precise instructions in the score about how the performers should set their radios and change them over time, but he could not control the actual sound coming out of them, which was dependent on whatever radio shows were playing at the time of performance (Furlong, 1994, p. 63). The composition therefore was not performed in accordance with the prescriptions and sounded then in the indeterminate mode; as a result, his later pieces had been long rejected by orchestras, as the major responsibility for the successful and appropriate structuring was placed upon the performer, rather than the composer. Although the Concept for Piano and Orchestra and Atlas Eclipticalis were intended for a symphonic orchestra, they had been viewed as a taboo by conservative musicians, who talent was nurtured in conservatoriums, up to the middle of the 1970s (Dyson, 1992, Furlong, 1994). In parallel with his experiment, Cage visited the anaechoic chamber, where all surfaces were designed to absorb all sounds, where he wished to hear the true silence, but instead heard two sounds, one of which was louder, another one lower. He informed the engineer on his finding, but, as Cage remembers in his autobiographic sketch (Cage, 1991), the specialist explained that the louder sound referred to the work of his nervous system, and the lower one to his blood circulation. For many years Cage was searching for a totally soundless and quit place and concluded that merely death was likely to eliminate all sounds (Nyman, 1974). His understanding of the impossibility of silence as embodied in his most extraordinary composition entitled 433 (Dyson, 1992), which, however, was composed of several rhythmic silent episodes, as he later argued. The title can be interpreted also as 273 seconds, and due to the fact that minus 273 C is the absolute zero, the lowest temperature which can be achieved, so the author also tried to produce a background, or zero-level, from which the noise and sound derive and develop. The premiere of the composition took place in 1952 and was performed by David Tudor. The audience saw him sit at the piano and lift the lid of the piano. Some time later, without having played any notes, he closed the lid. A while after that, again having played nothing, he lifted the lid. And after a further period of time, he closed the lid once more and rose from the piano (Dyson, 1992, p. 400). The audiences reaction was ambivalent; some visitors left the auditorium in the middle of the performance, others began to whisper to one another thus, the piece was a great opportunity for everyone to hear themselves and realize that even in the silent settings, the sound penetrates the accommodation. As Cage later alleged, There is no such thing as silence. Something is always happening that makes a sound (Kostelanetz, 1990, p. 293). This work can be compared to Malevichs Black Square: in the darkness and homogeneity of the illustration, everyone finds certain hidden senses and meanings, moreover, adjusts this interpretation to the conditions of his own life and might even decide that the square is in fact the prophecy concerning his own life. Similarly, the contradictory piece inescapably results in the search for a deeper understanding and probably in the attempt to tie the structure and the nature of the composition to the existing political or social problems. In fact, Cage was absolutely apolitical and to great extent asocial, as he never vacillated between daring oppose the minoritys opinion and daring not. As Cage writes, I have spent many pleasant hours in the woods conducting performances of my silent piecefor an audience of myself, since they were much longer than the popular length which I have published. At one performancethe second movement was extremely dramatic, beginning with the sounds of a buck and a doe leaping up to within ten feet of my rocky podium (Snyder, 1992, p. 62). 433 can also be compared to the piece, written ten years later and entitled with the similar simplification 00. Cage decided to perform this composition by himself, as it included merely the sound of slicing vegetables, putting them into a blender and drinking the resulting juice (Nyman, 1974). In my opinion, both compositions are designed for giving no heed of them on the contrary, inpiduals need to conduct introspection and involve into the useful process of thinking and reflecting while listening. Cages philosophy is also experimental and consists of the following writings: silence (1961), A Year From Monday (1968), M (19730, Empty Words (1979), X (1983) and Anarchy (1988). Most of them are written under the influence of Joyces Ulysses and his concept of consciousness flow, as the books usually narrate about the different days of Cages life, his essays easily switch from one year to another and provide not merely textual image, but are also intended to construct the readers hearing and seeing of the events (Dyson, 1992). Furthermore, from the late sixties Cage was also active as a visual artist, working on annual projects at Crown Point Press, from which he produced a series of drawings, prints and watercolors (Sumner, 1986, p. 263). At the same time, the composer didnt give up the art he was really faithful to and continued to create music, including the re-interpretations of his earlier works: for instance, the Litany for the Whale (1980) to great extent resemble his Hymns and Variations (1979), whereas his cheap Imitation is designed as a rebirth of Saties Socrate. Just before his death, Cage created One 11, the silent piece, which consists of images and electric light, which, in his opinion, should highlight the spaces, used in the work and demonstrate that they are not empty. The composer therefore knew no spiritual emptiness or exhaustion even in his last days. Cage died on August, 12, 1992. To sum up, Cages creative works were a true novelty and therefore influenced a number of artists and composers. In addition, one can conclude from the paper that the major value in Cages life was freedom: I am for birds, not for the cages people put them in (Snyder, 1992, p. 62). In fact, the compositions like 433 could be created only by an independent person, who didnt care about public opinion and oriented to his own ideas and perceptions. Reference Cage, J. 1991. An Autobiographical Statement. Southwest Review, 12: 154-178. Dyson, F. 1992. The Ear that Would Hear Sounds in Themselves: John Cage, in Wireless Imagination. Sound, Radio, Avant-Garde, edited by D.Kahn and G.Whitehead. Cambridge (Massachusetts), the MIT Press, pp. 373-408. Furlong, W. 1994. John cage, in Discourse and Practice in Contemporary Art, edited by W.Furlong. London, Academy Editions, pp. 62-64. Kostelanetz, R. 1990. John Cage on Radio and Audio Tape, in Sound by Artists, Art Metropole and Walter Phillips Gallery, edited by D.Lander and M.Lexier. Toronto, Banff, pp. 289-300. Nyman, M. 1974. Experimental Music. Cage and Beyond. New York: Harper. Snyder, E. 1992. John Cage Discusses Fluxus. Fluxus, Vol. 26 (1-2), pp.59-68. Sumner, M., Burch, K. and Sumner, M. 1986. The guests go in to supper. John Cage, Robert Ashley, Yoko Ono, laurie Anderson, Charles Amirkhanian, Michael Rappe. San Francisco, Burning Books.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Vapiano Restaurant
Vapiano Restaurant Introduction With the recent economic crisis across many countries in the world, one can easily give up an idea of starting a new business. Starting a business like a fast food restaurant can especially seem less appealing due to the high level of competition that already exists in this particular food restaurant market.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Vapiano Restaurant specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, as it has been proven again by the new and expanding Vapiano food restaurant, innovation is the most critical aspect that is required to grow and expand a business. The designers of the Vapiano restaurant concept have targeted and appealed to a particular segment of customers who have in turn continued to flood her steps in increasing numbers (Lam et al. 2011). Here, we will look at the range of unique services and technology that have been employed by Vapiano restaurant to attract customers. History and Con cept Vapiano restaurant was established in 2002 in Hamburg (Germany) by a man named Mark Korzilius (Kilian 2011). Mark wanted to introduce a concept whereby customers could order and enjoy fast foods with an Italian taste within an atmosphere that they could be part of (Kilian 2011). Here, the main menu that would be availed to customers includes pizzas, salads, and pastas. Apart from unique menus, Vapiano intended to provide unique services that would attract customers to visit her restaurants. Usually, meals are prepared in an open environment where customers can see. Besides, the design of the restaurants has been done with a focus on creating a modern atmosphere (Bowen 1986). Thus, the entire Vapiano package is intended to lure customers with her new, affordable, and casual eating experience within a modern environment (Lam et al. 2011). About two thirds of the customers that have been visiting Vapiano restaurants are women (Fama 2005). Vapiano has mostly targeted affluent indiv iduals with high incomes; the majority of these customers are aged between twenty five to forty five years. Most of Vapiano customers live in highly populated urban centres across Europe and the United States. Importantly, Vapiano has introduced an attractive technology experience through its payment method (Fama 2005). Here, customers use a chip card to charge and pay for services. With the mentioned unique services, Vapiano has been able to offer high value services to her customers (Head 2008). Having initially started in Germany, Vapiano restaurant has expanded to Europe, North America, Asia, Australia, and Africa. With the help of other investors, Mark Korzilius designed the Vapiano business model for the purpose of continually expanding and refining the Vapiano business (Fama 2005).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Following the opening of the initial Dà ¼ss eldorf franchise in 2004, more restaurants were opened afterwards. As the Vapiano model has continually appealed to customers, it has also continuously expanded across Germany and the rest of the world. Currently, Vapiano has been targeting market segments across the world with the demography concept in mind (Head 2008). However, as it expands further, the company could need to design business concepts that would appeal to unique cultures across the world (Lam et al. 2011). Like most of the other markets where Vapiano has ventured, the German market is highly competitive with a range of restaurants that employ diverse approaches to attract customers. Some of these restaurants are run by international companies like the McDonald (Fama 2005). Here, many people are adopting changing lifestyles such as outdoor eating habits. Such a direction has thus expanded the market of fast food restaurants like Vapiano (Lehn 2008). One important approach that has been employed by Vapiano to target the expanding market of restaurant eaters has been to offer a package of affordable and quality restaurant services to her customers. Therefore, although the products and services of Vapiano restaurants are relatively affordable when compared to her rivals, customers here can still enjoy high quality services that match the restaurant concept (Kilian 2011). Services and Technology Vapiano restaurant provides customers with fast food Italian dishes within a modern environment. Although the design of Vapiano buildings may vary in style, all of them have a modern European architecture with at least one tree planted within the buildings as a symbol of freshness (Lam et al. 2011). Having started in Germany, Vapiano has expanded to over seventy locations across Europe and the rest of the world. Currently, the Vapiano Company is intending to add about one hundred more locations in the United States to its expanding franchise (Lehn 2008). Usually, Vapiano restaurants are in highly populated locations in urban centres. These urban centres must have a large number of high income earners aged between twenty five to forty years. Besides, Vapiano restaurants are usually located nearby a place of attraction such as a theatre where they can tap into the high number of customer inflow. So as to improve efficiency and serve her customers better, Vapiano restaurants have a layout that is specifically designed to increase efficiency (Lehn 2008). The layout of Vapiano restaurants is usually divided into two sections: the food section and the bar section. The food section is further divided into three counters that serve different types of dishes. The three dishes that are mainly served at the three different counters are pizzas, salads and pasta (Lam et al. 2011). Here, depending on the meal that they would like to be served, customers can move to appropriate counters for the services that they need. Usually, meals at the three counters are made on orders.Advertising We w ill write a custom report sample on Vapiano Restaurant specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Upon entry into a Vapiano restaurant, a customer will first report at a registry. Here, customers are given RFID chip cards for the processing of their meal payment (Lehn 2008). From the registry, customers move into the bar area. Here, customers are greeted and availed the option of taking drinks at this particular section. However, customers can decide to skip taking drinks and move directly to the food area. As I had mentioned, the food section is divided into three sections that serve different kinds of meals (mainly pasta, salads and pizza) (Frances 2006). Thus, customers can select specific counters where they can order their meals. Once customers report at specific counters, they are offered seats from where they can watch the preparation of their meals by cooks. Usually, customers will have a chance of interacting with cooks as they wait for their meals to be ready. As it is often the case, there is very limited number of waiters (whose work is primarily to clear the tables). Such an arrangement of cooking meals close to customers helps to reduce the number of waiters, and thus help in reducing labour costs for the restaurant (Lehn 2008). Moreover, cooks are thus given another role of controlling customer flow at their restaurants. Once they finish their meals, customers make payments at their respective counters. Here, customers have an option of moving back to the bar section to enjoy more drinks as they relax (Frances 2006). Usually, the number of available chip cards is equal to the number of seats that are available to customers for a particular restaurant. Since customers can sit anywhere they wish, it is common to see different customers share tables. I would like to mention that some Vapiano restaurants have a different layout from the on that I have mentioned above. For example, instead of having the bar section bef ore the food section, the Boston restaurant has a bar section on the side of the food section instead. Here, I would like to describe range of unique services that are offered at Vapiano restaurant. As I had mentioned earlier, Vapiano restaurants have been designed to present customers with an atmosphere that is stylish and modern. As such, all of the Vapiano restaurants have been built with an attractive European architecture. I had also mentioned about the presence of a tree in the restaurants as a sign of freshness.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Usually, the theme of the restaurants is a fast and modern theme. Apart from fast Italian dishes, which are usually ready in just a few minutes after an order, the music that is played at the restaurants is usually fast music designed to resonate with the fast and modern theme at the restaurants. With their luxurious architecture and style, Vapiano restaurants attract high class customers to their stores. Despite serving traditional Italian dishes, the environment at the Vapiano restaurants deviates from the traditional Italian environment to a modern environment. Thus, young people with high incomes will especially find the package at the restaurants appealing (Lam et al. 2011). Moreover, the quality of food that is served at Vapiano restaurant differentiates it from other restaurants. As I had mentioned, most of the food that is served at the restaurant consists of traditional Italian dishes like salads and pasta. One particular aspect however that differentiates Vapiano from othe r Italian restaurants is the quality of Italian dishes that are served at Vapiano (Lam et al. 2011). When compared to the meals that are served at the more traditional Italian restaurants, the meals that are served at Vapiano restaurants are of poorer quality. Usually, cooks at Vapiano restaurants are not as highly skilled in preparing dishes as their counterparts at the traditional Italian restaurants (Frances 2006). Actually, meals at the Vapiano restaurants are designed for quick preparation instead of quality. Thus, meals that are served at Vapiano restaurants are usually pre made and frozen; hence, they can be prepared fast by the cooks. As we had briefly seen, another aspect that is unique to Vapiano restaurant is the low number of workers at the restaurant. Apart from preparing fast meals, cooks are also responsible for handling traffic flow, interacting with customers, serving customers, and in handling communication flow at the restaurants where they work (Lam et al. 2011). On the other hand, with the duty of just clearing tables, the number of waiters at Vapiano restaurants is usually low (Charles 1998). The result of such an arrangement results in customers moving a lot. Customers are required to move to counters and make orders. Besides, they are also required to find an appropriate place where they can sit (Fazzari 2006). Once they have finished their meals, customers are also required to move to the register and make payments. Again, such a concept is appropriate for an energetic and modern youth (Bowen 1986). The unique environment at Vapiano restaurant results in relatively low prices for customers. First, since customers do a lot of the movement, waiters at Vapiano restaurant are few; thus helping the restaurants to cut on labour costs (Fazzari 2006). The cut in labour costs can then be passed to customers through low prices. Besides, since the atmosphere at Vapiano restaurant is fast paced, customers are served their meals fast after which th ey move out for more customers to be served. Such an arrangement helps to increase the efficiency of Vapiano restaurants; hence, creating a big volume of customer inflows (Cuthbertson 2008). With a high capacity for customers, Vapiano restaurants are thus able to reduce their operating costs; hence, helping to pass the benefits to customers by charging low process for their services. Moreover, since there is a low emphasis on very high quality of meals and a high emphasis on speed, Vapiano restaurants are able to reduce the time and energy that is required to prepare meals; thus, helping to cut their overall costs of service. Although customers are generally encouraged to take their meals and leave the restaurant, they have an option of returning to the bar section of the restaurant where they can enjoy more drinks (Frances 2006). When a customer spends more money in buying drinks at the bar, they contribute to more revenues for the restaurants. Generally, the whole arrangement at V apiano restaurant is to increase efficiency; hence, helping to cut costs and thus contributing to the relatively low prices at the Vapiano restaurants (Charles 1998). Despite the low number of waiters and other workers at Vapiano restaurants, customers can still interact with the usually warm and friendly workers at the restaurant. Most pf the workers at Vapiano restaurants are generally friendly, cooperative and warm. The good attitude of workers at Vapiano restaurant has been helpful in promoting a positive experience for customers (Fazzari 2006). Unlike the traditional Italian restaurants that rely on reserves bookings to make preparation for customers, most of the Vapiano customers do not make bookings before visiting their favourite restaurant. However, due to the high efficiency system that is employed at the Vapiano restaurants, most customers will find available sits when they visit. Such a direction has been helpful in removing any inconveniences that could otherwise have a risen due to the large number of customers that visit the Vapiano restaurants (Cuthbertson 2008). The management of Vapiano restaurant has seen it necessary to develop a discount plan for their customers. As we had seen, customers are usually offered chip cards when they enter Vapiano restaurants. These chip cards enable customers to accumulate points that they can use later to obtain discounts (Koller 2005). The offer of a discount mechanism to her customers is among the important directions that have been designed by Vapiano restaurants to attract and keep a large number of customers (Vapiano 2011). Besides, the discount plan has also been helpful in promoting customer loyalty. As it had been seen, the use of chip cards has also been fruitful in helping the Vapiano restaurants to monitor the flow of customers. When the chip cards are unavailable, it means that the restaurant has reached its full capacity. In such instances, customers can wait for spaces at the bar as they enjoy dr inks. The general approach of increasing efficiency at Vapiano restaurants can also be seen through the use of chip cards. Since information on the number of customers that have visited the restaurants, collected revenues, and preferred meals is electronically stored to a database by the chip cards, useful information is easily availed to the management of the Vapiano restaurant (Cuthbertson 2008). For example, the management of Vapiano restaurants can use information that has been availed by the chip cards to know about the types of meals that have been consumed most within a specific period; hence helping the management to buy future stocks. Likewise, the management can easily obtain information on revenues and profits that have been made from a database that has been linked to the chip cards (Koller 2005). Generally, the chip cards are useful in helping the management of Vapiano restaurant to obtain important information for the effective running of their restaurants (Charles 199 8). Currently, the cost of a single chip card is fifty dollars. A challenge that has been presented to the management of Vapiano as a result of using chip cards is the frequent loss of chip cards by customers. Here, an approach that has been employed is to trust customers, and therefore ask them how much they had spent earlier. Currently, plans are underway to introduce chip cards that are more personalised for customers with information such as the names of the customers and the foods that they like most. The relatively low price of meals at Vapiano restaurants has been helpful in appealing to customers who have been visiting the restaurant. Generally, the prices of pasta and pizza range from $7 to $12 (Vapiano 2011). Compare this relatively low pricing to an average of $ 20 in a traditional Italian restaurant. As a result many Vapiano restaurants have been seeing an increase in the number of customers that visit their stores with an average of about 500 guests per day in most rest aurants (Vapiano 2011). The average turnover per each of the Vapiano restaurants was about two million euros in 2011 (Vapiano 2011). The average operating costs for each of the Vapiano restaurants was about one million euros. Here, about 30% of the costs were as a result of material costs and the chip technology. A further 30% of the cost resulted from labour expenses. Thus, the Vapiano concept has been useful in expanding and managing Vapiano restaurants (Fazzari 2006). Conclusion Through an aggressive campaign that has marketed their unique concept: providing an Italian food experience in a fast food and modern environment, the management of Vapiano restaurants have been able to expand the volume of their customer segment across Europe, North America, Asia, and Africa. Here, the management of Vapiano Company has especially introduced a package that has appealed to the young, wealthy, and modern populace that mostly resides in western countries (Koller 2005). Vapiano customers have been able to experience a stylish and modern atmosphere; besides, they have loved the unique services that incorporate technologies; moreover, they have also enjoyed the relatively low prices of meals at Vapiano restaurant (Cuthbertson 2008). Through carefully designed systems, the total arrangement at Vapiano restaurant has been for a youthful and energetic young person that loves to eat out in a modern restaurant. Such youths have not found it difficult to use the chip technologies, and to move from one place to another within the restaurants as they make their orders and payments. References Bowen, R. 1986 ââ¬Å"Evidence on the Relationship between Earnings and managementâ⬠, The Accounting Review, vol. 4, pp. 713-725. Charles H., 1998, Clock speed ââ¬â Winning Industry Control in the Age of Temporary Advantage, Perseus Books, New York. Cuthbertson, K., 2008, Investments, Second Edition, John Wiley Sons Ltd, West Sussex. Fama, E., 2005, ââ¬ËManaging Restaurantsâ⬠â¢, Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 60, pp. 3-43. Fazzari, S. M., 2006, ââ¬Å"Financial Constraints and Corporate Investmentsâ⬠, Brooking Papers on Economic Activity, vol. 1, pp. 141-195. Frances, X., 2006, Breaking the Trade-Off between Efficiency and Service, HBS, New York. Head, T 2008, ââ¬ËTheory, Advantages and Disadvantages, Student Accountant Magazine, June/July 2008, p 50. Kilian, W, 2011, Vapiano: Creating a marketing-driven business, HBS, New York. Koller, T., 2005, Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, John Wiley Sons Inc, New Jersey. Lam, T, et al. Comparison study of two Italian restaurants: Vapiano and Trattora, MIT press, New York. Lehn , A., 2008, ââ¬Å" Performance Measures and Signals for Strategic Changeâ⬠, Strategy and Leadership, vol. 5, pp.34-38. Vapiano, 2011, Menus, Locations, Concept. Web.
Monday, March 2, 2020
University of Alabama in Huntsville Admissions
University of Alabama in Huntsville Admissions University of Alabama in Huntsville Description: The University of Alabama in Huntsville ranks highly among public universities in the south. UAH prides itself on the depth of its research initiatives, and the school has partnerships with NASA, the U.S. Army, Pratt Whitney, and other organizations. Engineering is particularly strong at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, and the school wins high marks for the number of female engineers it graduates. Students can choose from 30 Bachelors degree programs through the universitys five colleges: Business, Liberal Arts, Engineering, Nursing and Science. Professional fields in business, engineering and nursing are most popular with undergraduates. Academics are supported by a 16 to 1 student / faculty ratio. On the athletic front, the UAH Chargers compete in the NCAA Division II Gulf South Conference. The university fields seven mens and seven womens intercollegiate teams. Mens ice hockey competes at the Division I level. Will You Get In? Calculate Your Chances of Getting Inà with this free tool from Cappex Admissions Data (2016): UAH Acceptance Rate: 76%Test Scores 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: 520 / 660SAT Math: 540 / 680SAT Writing: - / -What these SAT numbers meanCompare Alabama SAT scoresACT Composite: 25à / 31ACT English: 24 / 33ACT Math: 23à / 29What these ACT numbers meanCompare Alabama ACT scores Enrollment (2015): Total Enrollment: 7,866à (6,013 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 57% Male / 43% Female79% Full-time Costs (2016 - 17): Tuition and Fees: $9,842 (in-state); $20,612 (out-of-state)Books: $1,688à (why so much?)Room and Board: $9,603Other Expenses: $3,578Total Cost: $24,711à (in-state); $35,481 (out-of-state) University of Alabama in Huntsville Financial Aid (2015- 16): Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 93%Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 87%Loans: 41%Average Amount of AidGrants: $10,197Loans: $6,247 Academic Programs: Most Popular Majors:à Art, Biology, Business Administration, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Management Information Systems, Mechanical Engineering, NursingWhat major is right for you?à Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Transfer, Retention and Graduation Rates: First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 83%Transfer Out Rate: 30%4-Year Graduation Rate: 15%6-Year Graduation Rate: 49% Intercollegiate Athletic Programs: Mens Sports:à Track and Field, Baseball, Ice Hockey, Soccer, Basketball, TennisWomens Sports:à Basketball, Track and Field, Soccer, Softball, Volleyball, Tennis Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics If You Like University of Alabama, You May Also Like These Schools: Auburn University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphTroy University: Profileà Alabama A M University: Profileà Alabama State University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphJacksonville State University: Profileà Samford University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphStillman College: Profileà Miles College: Profileà Georgia State University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of West Alabama: Profileà Tennessee State University: Profileà University of Alabama in Huntsville Mission Statement: mission statement fromà The University of Alabama in Huntsville is a research-intensive, internationally recognized technological university serving Alabama and beyond. Our mission is to explore, discover, create, and communicate knowledge, while educating individuals in leadership, innovation, critical thinking, and civic responsibility and inspiring a passion for learning.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Post Psrtum Depression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Post Psrtum Depression - Essay Example When the intimate partner is violent, especially during the period after childbirth, during which the womenââ¬â¢s body is naturally undergoing several hormonal changes, women are more prone to feeling depressed and this in turn will have a negative impact on the growth and development of the child. In such cases it is necessary to offer counseling services both to the women and their spouses in order to ease their relationship and enable them to bring up their children in a healthy atmosphere. In the recent years the pediatric community has introduced screening of women with post-partum depression for any incidence of violence in the household. These sessions are to enable women to openly voice their problems and receive counseling from their doctors. An example of such a study is included in the article in which African American mothers were the major participant. The study revealed that one in 14 mothers who were suffering from post-partum depression were in a violent relationsh ip. It also found that those who were in a violent relationship were at a higher risk of developing depression. Children are exposed to violence right from a young age are more likely to suffer from health and developmental problems compared to children brought up in a healthy and normal household. In addition to their health, the emotional well-being of the child is also affected which could have serious consequences during their later growing years. How can these mothers be helped through post-partum depression and be relieved of its symptoms? As a possible solution the study has identified the need for psychiatric services that could be provided to the parents concerned as well as their families as it is vital to provide maximum comfort to the mother especially for the sake of the infant and other siblings. Several pediatric clinics are offering these services in the recent past. Proper counseling provided to both parents at the right
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Managers, Management and the Management Environment Lab Report
Managers, Management and the Management Environment - Lab Report Example Effective management requires the organisation management to have a vision, objectives, policies and strategies that must be forecasted. Enhanced management practices have regularly being linked to diligence, superiority, involvement, and regulation of strategic-planning practice by the organisationââ¬â¢s leadership (Harrison, 2003). This discussion paper will focus on the impact of current management practices within the hospitality industry particularly the influence of culture, technology and parochialism in regards to their human resources function. The study will examine why diverse management practices in the industry have impacted negatively on employee turnovers and how modern management practises can offset this trend. There are three main managerial levels in organisations that encompass the top, middle and lower level management levels. The upper level is represented by the company board and managing director or the CEO who formulates the strategic plans for the entire organisation. The middle hierarchy of administration comprise of functional managers including the human resources, marketing, and finance department managers. The lower echelon is made of the front-line managers and their supervisors who must be endowed with commensurate technical skills that qualify them run the daily operations of the organisation. These strata nevertheless necessitate diverse skills to qualify for the particular levelââ¬â¢s specific duties hence the top managers need conception or analytical skills to make strategic decisions while the mid-level managers require human skills to interact well with all stakeholders but the last level only necessitate appropriate technical acumen to discharge their duties effe ctively (Robin and Coulter, 2002). [See illustration below Figure: 1] Within the hospitality industry, the management has acknowledged the significance of having quality
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Anorexia Essay -- essays research papers
Anorexia Nervosa Have you ever felt fat or self-conscious about the way you looked? These are questions that we may ask ourselves everyday, but anorexics ask themselves these questions every minute of everyday. Questions like this haunt an anorexicââ¬â¢s conscience and ruin the way she/he perceives herself/himself. Anorexia is a very dangerous mental illness because it has many life- threatening effects. à à à à à à à à à à Anorexia is not a choice to be made. It is brought on by many pressures to be thin and it clouds oneââ¬â¢s ability to see herself/himself as she/he really is, which is usually dangerously thin. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder. Sufferers starve themselves and have extreme weight loss. When starving themselves, anorexics may suffer from terrible hunger pains, but feel rewarded when they can make it through a certain time period, usually a day, then work up to two days and so on. Anorexics are terrified of gaining weight. Food and weight become obsessions. Many of these obsessions may show up in strange eating rituals, such as moving food around their plate and preparing a huge dinner and then refusing to eat any of it. An anorexicââ¬â¢s diet will include restricting her/his total calorie intake to fewer than one thousand calories a day. Many anorexics avoid fattening, high calorie foods and also eliminate meats. Their diet mainly consists of almost completely low-calorie vegetables, such as lettuce and carrots, or popco...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Do you agree with this interpretation of the importance of the battle of the Somme? Essay
Source A is an extract from a report written by General Haig in December 1916 about a month after the battle of the Somme, the report was then sent to the British cabinet. Douglas Haig was commander in chief of the British army and in the report he was trying to show how vital he thinks the battle was in perspective of winning the war. As with every source, it needs to be looked at in context so you can review its provenance and reliability. When the report was writhen there was a new government in Britain. David Lloyd George who had been Secretary of State for War was now Prime Minister replacing. Haig had been criticised by Lloyd George, Churchill and Beaverbrook and for his strategy of attrition at the Somme, this being the cause of huge casualties during the battle and only a very small push in land taken. The British only gained an average of 5miles for 420,000 casualties. Haig was now starting his own battle back home to save his reputation as a military commander.In the report Haig seems to have been using the report to justify his decisions that had led to the largest loss of forces and manpower ever experienced by the British army in one battle. Haig was commander in chief during the Somme and it was his job to set the tactics for commanders to carry out. The fact that Haig was Commander in Chief at the Somme meant that he was largely responsible for the tactics used at the battle. This means that in source A Haig is having to defend or justify his actions in on the Somme. This will make the source less reliable as Haig has cause to be biased in his report. He is trying to keep his job and wants to be known as a great military hero not a military disaster. This would have given Haig even more motive to give a biased report. Haig was respected by the French generals and had the support of the king, this put him in a position of power particularly as there was no one better to do the job. He knew that members of the cabinet did not like him being Commander in Chief so this may have made Haig present the evidence in source A in a more positive light. He did this to protect his reputation, justify his decisions and to keep his job. There is no evidence that Haig was a untruthful man. However, the likelihood that he was badly informed about the situation and his self-confidence and the fact that he was wanting to protect his reputation and job mean that Haig could be biased in his report and his reliability as a source can be doubted. Looking at Source A, it looks like most of the extract is accurate but not completely accurate. Haig states, ââ¬Ëthe German casualties have been greater than ours ââ¬â¢. This is misleading as although the British casualties were less than the German casualties (420,000-500,000), the combined allied casualties were more. The allies suffered 620,000 whereas the Germans suffered about half a million casualties. Nevertheless Haig may not have known about this at the time. Roll calls at the end of battles meant there were truthful records of allied casualties however German records would not have been available, so these casualty figures were estimates. Nonetheless Haig may have said the German casualties were greater than ours because he wants to keep his job and make his situation look better than it is. Haig admits that, ââ¬Ëthe amount of ground we have gained is not greatââ¬â¢ which is true but he then says, ââ¬â¢That is nothingââ¬â¢. Even before the Somme, Haig had been more concerned with a strategy of attrition so. Haig was expecting his strategy to have large casualties but the public wanted a justification of why so many lives had been lost. Even though the German army had been disconnected from ââ¬Ëstrong defensive positionsââ¬â¢ the cost was very high and the Germans had often retreated to equally strong defensive positions. Haig was presenting only part of the situation. He is doing this to put himself in a positive light. Because he wants to keep his job and be seen as a public hero rather than villain. However writing about the Somme in 1919 the German General Ludendorff wrote; ââ¬ËWe had heavy losses in men and material. As a result of the Somme we were completely exhausted on the western front.ââ¬â¢ This German quote supports Haigââ¬â¢s opinion of the effect of the Somme on the troops in the German army. Other than reports from captured prisoners its unclear how he can have been sure of this at the time. Whilst he has not lied in the report, Haig might be seen as guilty of laying out the information in a way that isnââ¬â¢t completely truthful. Also he has been discriminatory by only mentioning the upbeat information. Perhaps the principal thing wrong with the extract is it not showing the impact of the Somme on the British troops, but this would have undermined his argument because this would have showed the down side of the war and therefore not put Haig in a positive light. In conclusion, it appears that in the extract Haig is justifying his strategy of attrition at the Somme by showing the significance of the battle, for demonstrating the might of the British army, and its role in the destruction of the German army. Haig is reasonable in his view. It seems from the Reich archive that the affect on the German army from the Somme was great but nevertheless they still fought on for 2years. There are a number of key reasons why the Somme was important. It helped the French defence of Verdun and allied relations. It was a trial for new technologies in warfare such as tanks, machine guns and planes. Before the Somme, Kitchenerââ¬â¢s volunteer army had been amateurs and inexperienced. After the Somme, they were a force of battle hardened experienced troops. The objectives that were achieved through the Somme were done through a strategy that cost many lives and unfortunately many errors made the battle longer. There is no way of telling whether the same things could have been achieved using different tactics. Haig was writing his report to people who were hostile to him and his strategy. He believed in his strategy and his ability to win the war, he was also worried about defending his reputation and job. His original aim was to wear down the German army in a war of attrition. From his view he achieved his aim so it is understandable why he wrote what he did. It is my view that what he said he achieved was important but even as an report to the British government themselves it presents a biased view because Haig has all the motive to be biased.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Essay on Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt - 835 Words
After the assassination of President McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt inherited a growing empire when he took office in 1901. The U.S. had annexed Hawaii in 1898 and Spanish-American War granted the U.S. control of the Philippines. It also led the U.S. to establish a protectorate over Cuba and grant territorial status for Puerto Rico. By taking on the Philippine Islands as an American colony after the Spanish-American War he had ended the U.S.s isolation from international politics. Theodore Roosevelt believed that nations should pursue a strenuous life and do their part to maintain peace and order. It was also a belief that civilized nations had the duty of modernizing the barbarous ones. He also pushed for a bigger army and navy and byâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦His justification came by stating his corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine clearly stated Not to interfere in the internal concerns of any of its powers; to consider the government de facto as the legit imate government for us; to cultivate friendly relations with it,Ã⦠It is impossible that the allied powers should extend their political system to any portion of either continent without endangering our peace and happiness,Ãâ¦It is still the true policy of the United States to leave the parties to themselves, in hope that other powers will pursue the same course.# But Roosevelts corollary stated All that this country desires is to see the neighboring countries stable, orderly, and prosperous. Any country whose people conduct themselves well can count upon our hearty friendship. If a nation shows that it knows how to act with reasonable efficiency and decency in social and political matters, if it keeps order and pays its obligations, it need fear no interference from the United States.# Roosevelt believed that a powerful chief executive must be willing to use force when necessary while practicing the art of persuasion. When possible, he said, speak softly and carry a big stick. The biggest event in Roosevelts foreign policy involved the Panama Canal. U.S. naval leaders and internationalists always wanted to build a passageShow MoreRelatedTheodore Roosevelt : A Modern Presidency1384 Words à |à 6 PagesSchwarz/1 Theodore Roosevelt once said, ââ¬Å" Believe you can and you are halfway there.â⬠During his time in office, he added 5 national parks to our nation, tripled the amount of forest area, created 50 wildlife refuges, wrote many books, and captured the attention of many Americans, no matter what their political party was. 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